Are You Looking for Namecheap Promo Codes? We keep an updated list on our site.
I found a really cool way to get the newest promo codes and I created a site to pass along the help. Sometimes you can’t access a sale without clicking the link to their site, other times you have to type in a promo code at check out. Either way you can get good savings. I will try my best to get you the better coupon codes for what your looking for, and keep the site up to date with the best promo codes.

Clicking the big red button above will often automatically apply any general coupons or sales to your shopping cart for what your looking for. This is an easy way to save and apply any discounts.
For others looking for specific codes you can try these:
BUY888 – 1 USD .COM
HERE67 – SAVE 50%
HOST13 – SAVE 75% on hosting
How to Apply the Promo Codes at Checkout

Pick your items in your cart and then go to the check out page. You will see a promo code area to put your code. Then click apply.
What is Namecheap?
Namecheap is a website were you can buy hosting, rent servers, get domain names and more. They have been around for a long time and they are trusted. You will be safe buying from them. They have been around for some time now, and I choose Namecheap whenever I decide to register a domain name. I think most people use them for getting domain names and hosting. I like to get my domain names from them, so I am passing on some love to! <3
They also started to focus a lot on helping people who use WordPress blogs. So if your into WordPress they have tons of plugins and sales to help your website become a success. But its not just limited to the stuff I mentioned above. They help with security, email, marketing tools, the site even has a logo maker and a bunch of other cool goodies.
One thing I really think is super cool about Namecheap is when you get a domain name they give you a free Whois Guard. Basically it protects spammers from finding your information if you own a domain name. It is like a privacy filter for your information like name, address, phone, etc. connected to your domain name. A lot of other domain name registrars charge yearly for this service. I highly suggest getting a domain name from them for this very reason. Keep your information safe from spammers or noisy people for sure.
What if Your Namecheap Promo Code isn’t Working
First you want to make sure you check and make sure you are putting in the right code. If you mistype it, it can cause problems. Also sometimes you need to spend a certain amount of money or do some other requirement to enable the discounts. If your coupon code is expired it would not be valid as well(We try our best to get you good codes that have no expired but it can still happen). If all else fails just try another coupon from our site.
Stacking Namecheap Promo Codes
You usually can’t apply more than one promo code per order on there site. They have good prices anyways and good promo codes so you will be fine.
Sweet Methods to Save Money on Namecheap
You can get all kinds of sales for hosting plans, domains, SSL certificates, and much more during majoy United States holidays. Think Christmas or Halloween or Black Friday. They also have a page on the site called “Promo” that has tons of deals, you just have to look. If you register your email address with them they will put you into there email list and send tons of sales and promos.
If you are a university student you can claim a year free standard bundle it comes with some cool goodies like a free domain and Github pages.
My last advice is to join them on all the major social media platforms. They post all kinds of cool flash sales and limited time promotions there.
More Information for Shopping on Namecheap
Namecheap Refund Policy
Namecheap has a lot of service and products, so they have a really thought out refund policy. They are nice people at customer support so I highly suggest just saying Hi and asking. There are some things you buy that cannot be refunded like dedicated IP addresses, but a lot of other stuff they provide can be refunded so don’t worry. Here is Namecheap’s refund policy if your interested .
Contact Customer Support at Namecheap
You can submit a ticket, call, or even connect with them via the live chat feature on there website. They also have a knowledge base that may be of assistance to you.
About Namecheap
They offer domain registration and hosting services and more. Its a top choice for webmasters all over the world including the United States, UK, Philippines, Canada, and many other countries. Richard Kirkendall founded Namecheap in the year 2000, and it has grown quite large since then. They have one of the most competent support teams in their industry. Namecheap prides themselves on transparency so you will know exactly what your getting.